Arkansas Central Office of Alcoholics Anonymous
7509 Cantrell Rd, Suite 106 Little Rock, AR 72207
Hotline: 501-664-7303 – Business: 501-664-6042
Registration for the International Convention is open.
Click on Logo to go to online registration page.
Central Office needs volunteers for: Thursdays 10-2 pm Fridays 10-2 and 2-6. If interested, please contact Steve at
aacoar@gmail.com or call 501-664-6042
Arkansas Central Book Store and Office Hours
- Monday through Friday 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
Book of the Week
The Plain Language big book is a tool to help readers understand the book Alcoholics Anonymous, which was first published in 1939. This new book is designed so that the AA twelve step program of recovery from alcoholism may be easily understood and accessible by all people who have a desire to stop drinking. This book is published in accordance with Advisory actions passed by substantial unanimity of the General Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Plain Language Big Book Covers the core content of what is the “abridged version” (without personal stories) of the original big book. Readers are also encouraged to seek out the current edition of the book Alcoholics Anonymous and meet with AA members to support their own individual paths of recovery from alcoholism.
Holiday Closings
- December 31 New Year’s Eve
- January 1 New Year’s Day
- January 15 MLK Day
- May 27 Memorial Day
- July 4 Independence Day
- September 2 Labor Day
- November 11 Veterans Day
- November 28 Thanksgiving Day
- December 25 Christmas Day
Inclement Weather
We will follow the Little Rock School District’s inclement weather policy. If LRSD is closed, we will be closed.
Download Flyer What Does Your Central Office Do And How To Get Involved!
Download Suggestions for 12-step Volunteers
Download 2024 Second Quarter Financials
In keeping with AA’s Seventh Tradition of self-supporting through our own contributions, your Arkansas Central Office accepts donations only from AA members and Groups. If you would like to become a part of this effort of self-support by making a donation to the Arkansas Central Office, scroll down and CLICK on the DONATE button. To SUBSCRIBE, click the checkbox for “Make this a monthly donation” on the next page. We appreciate your support in helping carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous!
Donate to Central OfficeMake a one-time donation or make this a monthly donation. (You will have an option to make this a monthly donation on the next page. Look for the checkbox under the amount.) |